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Coherent Raman Scattering (CRS) Microscopy


Clinical Validation


Einstein, E.H., Ablyazova, F., Rosenberg, A. et al. Stimulated Raman histology facilitates accurate diagnosis in neurosurgical patients: a one-to-one noninferiority study. J Neurooncol (2022).

Stimulated Raman histology facilitates accurate diagnosis in neurosurgical patients: a one-to-one noninferiority study | SpringerLink


Neidert, N., Straehle, J., Erny, D., Sacalean, V., El Rahal, A., Steybe, D., Schmelzeisen, R., Vlachos, A., Reinacher, P. C., Coenen, V. A., Mizaikoff, B., Heiland, D. H., Prinz, M., Beck, J., & Schnell, O. (2021). Stimulated Raman histology in the neurosurgical workflow of a major European neurosurgical center - part A. Neurosurgical review, 10.1007/s10143-021-01712-0. Advance online publication.

Stimulated Raman histology in the neurosurgical workflow of a major European neurosurgical center — part A | SpringerLink


Straehle, J., Erny, D., Neidert, N., Heiland, D. H., El Rahal, A., Sacalean, V., Steybe, D., Schmelzeisen, R., Vlachos, A., Mizaikoff, B., Reinacher, P. C., Coenen, V. A., Prinz, M., Beck, J., & Schnell, O. (2021). Neuropathological interpretation of stimulated Raman histology images of brain and spine tumors: part B. Neurosurgical review, 10.1007/s10143-021-01711-1. Advance online publication.


Pekmezci, M., Morshed, R.A., Chunduru, P. et al. Detection of glioma infiltration at the tumor margin using quantitative stimulated Raman scattering histology. Sci Rep 11, 12162 (2021).

Detection of glioma infiltration at the tumor margin using quantitative stimulated Raman scattering histology | Scientific Reports (


Orringer, D.A., Pandian, B., Niknafs, Y.S., Hollon, T.C., Boyle, J., Lewis, S., Garrard, M., Hervey-Jumper, S.L., Garton, H.J., Maher, C.O. and Heth, J.A., 2017. Rapid intraoperative histology of unprocessed surgical specimens via fibre-laser-based stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Nature biomedical engineering, 1(2), pp.1-13.


Eichberg, D.G., Shah, A.H., Di, L., Semonche, A.M., Jimsheleishvili, G., Luther, E.M., Sarkiss, C.A., Levi, A.D., Gultekin, S.H., Komotar, R.J. and Ivan, M.E., 2019. Stimulated Raman histology for rapid and accurate intraoperative diagnosis of CNS tumors: prospective blinded study. Journal of neurosurgery, 134(1), pp.137-143.


Hollon, T.C., Lewis, S., Pandian, B., Niknafs, Y.S., Garrard, M.R., Garton, H., Maher, C.O., McFadden, K., Snuderl, M., Lieberman, A.P. and Muraszko, K., 2018. Rapid intraoperative diagnosis of pediatric brain tumors using stimulated Raman histology. Cancer research, 78(1), pp.278-289.


Luther, E., Matus, A., Eichberg, D.G., Shah, A.H. and Ivan, M., 2019. Stimulated Raman Histology for Intraoperative Guidance in the Resection of a Recurrent Atypical Spheno-orbital Meningioma: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Cureus, 11(10).


Artificial Intelligence​


Jiang, C., Bhattacharya, A., Linzey, J.R., Joshi, R. S., Cha, S. J., Srinivasan, S., Alber, D., Kondepudi, A., Urias, E., Pandian, B., Al-Holou, W. N., Sullivan, S. E., Thompson, B. G., Heth, J.A., Freudiger, C., Khalsa, S.S.S., Pacione, D.R., Golfinos, J.G., Camelo-Piragua, S., Orringer, D.A., Lee, H., Hollon, T.C.

Rapid Automated Analysis of Skull Base Tumor Specimens Using Intraoperative Optical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence, Neurosurgery: June 2022 - Volume 90 - Issue 6 - p 758-767 

Rapid Automated Analysis of Skull Base Tumor Specimens Using... : Neurosurgery (


Hollon, T.C., Pandian, B., Adapa, A.R., Urias, E., Save, A.V., Khalsa, S.S.S., Eichberg, D.G., D’Amico, R.S., Farooq, Z.U., Lewis, S. and Petridis, P.D., 2020. Near real-time intraoperative brain tumor diagnosis using stimulated Raman histology and deep neural networks. Nature medicine, 26(1), pp.52-58.


Hollon, T.C., Pandian, B., Urias, E., Save, A.V., Adapa, A.R., Srinivasan, S., Jairath, N.K., Farooq, Z., Marie, T., Al-Holou, W.N. and Eddy, K., 2021. Rapid, label-free detection of diffuse glioma recurrence using intraoperative stimulated Raman histology and deep neural networks. Neuro-oncology, 23(1), pp.144-155.


Underlying Technology


Freudiger, C.W., Min, W., Saar, B.G., Lu, S., Holtom, G.R., He, C., Tsai, J.C., Kang, J.X. and Xie, X.S., 2008. Label-free biomedical imaging with high sensitivity by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Science, 322(5909), pp.1857-1861.


Freudiger, C.W., Yang, W., Holtom, G.R., Peyghambarian, N., Xie, X.S. and Kieu, K.Q., 2014. Stimulated Raman scattering microscopy with a robust fibre laser source. Nature photonics, 8(2), pp.153-159.


Saar, B.G., Freudiger, C.W., Reichman, J., Stanley, C.M., Holtom, G.R. and Xie, X.S., 2010. Video-rate molecular imaging in vivo with stimulated Raman scattering. science, 330(6009), pp.1368-1370.


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